AAA 3/13/2011 Morelia Review
A highlight video of the last show airs, recapping the Gran
Apache/Tirantes Jr. feud, Heavy Metal/Electroshock, Zorro/Charly Manson, and La
Sociedad vs. AAA/Los Bizarros.
Backstage, Gran Apache tapes up Faby Apache’s knee and he
asks her if she’s sure she wants to fight tonight, she says yes because she has
to defend her title. Gran Apache tells her he is going to take care of Hijo del
1. AAA World Mixed Tag Team Championship: Jennifer Blake & Alan Stone vs. Faby Apache & Pimpinela Escarlata ©
Faby and Pimpi are the reigning champs and have held the
titles since October 1st of 2010 when they defeated a different La
Sociedad team, Alex Koslov and Christina von Eerie. Alan starts with Pimpi and
whips him into the corner then goes in after but Pimpi moves out of the way and
chops him in the chest. They trade chops and work their way to the center of
the ring until Jennifer attacks Pimpi to break it up. Faby climbs in as the
fans chant her name and runs the ropes with Jennifer then kicks her in the
chest and runs them again into a headscissors on Jennifer sending her outside.
Faby goes for a dive but Tirantes trips her down as she runs and the rudos take
advantage inside the ring. Alan sends Faby off the ropes and hits her with a
quebradora con giro and stomps away. Blake and Stone each grab a leg and
wishbone her legs. They tie up Pimpi in the ropes and chop him in the chest
before going after Faby’s injured knee with a chair. The rudos swing away at
Faby’s injured knee time after time until she escapes from the ring. The rudos
set up a chair in the corner and try to whip Pimpi into it but she reveres the
whip, Stone stops short and grabs the chair only to get it dropkicked into his
face by Faby. Faby hobbles around with the chair and turns towards Blake with
it lifted over her head but Tirantes grabs it from her and Jennifer escapes.
Stone gets cut off by Pimpi who jumps up top and gives him a missile dropkick
to send him outside. Pimpi climbs to the corner and hits a plancha suicida on
Alan on the outside. Inside, Faby hits a german suplex with a bridge for a two
count. She lifts Blake again and hits her with an Angel’s Wings for a very slow
two count from the rudo Hijo del Tirantes. Blake crawls towards the ropes but
Faby hits her with a shining wizard and covers near the ropes, conveniently
enough, for Tirantes to lay Blake’s foot on the ropes after another slow two
count. Faby limps towards Tirantes in protest but Blake cuts her off with a
blow to the knee and locks on a single leg crab on Faby’s injured knee for the
submission victory.
Afterwards the rudos continue the beatdown, bringing out
Gran Apache who is kept out of the ring by Hijo del Tirantes with the chair
until they escape as the doctor checks on Faby’s knee. Not much to this match,
just a way to continue the Apaches/Sociedad feud, but it was well executed.
Halloween, Damian 666 and Perro Aguayo Jr. have a meeting
backstage. Halloween and Damian wonder who their partner will be, and ask about
Super Crazy. Perro talks about how they are the best group in AAA and have
nothing to worry about. Perro calls out the Psycho Clowns and says they will
destroy them. Then they all bark like Perros.
2. Bull Terrier match: Electroshock vs. Heavy Metal
Heavy enters with his mini Lokillo and valet, Electroshock
is in the ring wearing his lovely Giant Gonzales-esque bodysuit. As per the
usual in all Bull Terrier matches, they are connected by two dog collars on a
single chain. Electroshock begins by charging at Heavy in the corner and
punches away at him. They go from one side to the other and Electro wraps the
chain around his fist and punches Heavy then grinds the chain into his face.
The mini distracts Electro from the apron long enough for Heavy to clock
Electro from behind with the chain. Heavy wraps the chain around Electro’s neck
and chokes him with it until Tropicasas pulls him off. Heavy goes for a DDT
against the ropes but Electro reverses it into a spinebuster as the mini and
valet get the fans to cheer Heavy’s name. Electro grabs the middle of the chain
and whips Heavy back and forth across the ring, slamming him onto his back a
few times. Heavy drops outside, pulling Electro down with the chain, but then
tries to roll inside while Electroshock rolls out and they get caught with the
chain wrapped around the post. Electro takes advantage, slamming Heavy’s head
into the post repeatedly, until he walks away and Heavy recovers incredibly
quickly and pulls the chain back snapping Electroshock’s head into the post.
They each climb inside and Heavy takes him down with a chained punch and chokes
Electroshock out with the chain, pulling back with his leg against Electro’s
back. Heavy climbs up top with the chain still around Electroshock’s neck and
goes down to the outside, hanging Electroshock in a brutal choke against the
ropes. Heavy lets go eventually, apparently not wanting to kill Electroshock,
and the two of them have a tug of war over the chain with Heavy still on the
outside. Electro pulls Heavy up to the apron by his hair, then climbs onto the
apron himself. They each wrap a portion of the chain around their fist and take
turns punching each other on the apron, each time wavering a little bit more.
Finally they both wind up and do a dramatic double strike with both of them
landing outside. Electro tries to climb in but Heavy pulls him towards the ramp
and up to the stage. Heavy tries to do…something with Electroshock but Electro
stops him and suplexes him on the stage. Electro whips the chain like a belt
against Heavy’s back a few times then runs his knee into his face. Electroshock
climbs back in the ring with Heavy still on the outside and they do the tug of
war spot again. Commercial break.
Show returns to Electroshock standing pulling Heavy into the
ring. Electro pulls Heavy up for the martinete but Tropicasas pushes him over
and reminds him that it’s illegal as Electroshock protests. Heavy takes
advantage, pulling Electro down with the chain and locks him in basically a
toehold using the chain. He lets up and goes to touch the four corners but
Electro hits him with a spinning heel kick after he touches three. Electro
starts going for them but Heavy Metal cuts him off and headbutts him to the
ground. Whip to the corner by Electroshock and he follows him to the corner.
Heavy climbs onto the post but Electroshock catches him and hits an Alabama
slam, then tries to touch the posts but gets tripped up after 3. They start
trading shots on their knees with the fans chanting for Heavy Metal. They
stand, and Electroshock hits a lungblower then goes for the corners but gets 3
before Heavy pulls him down at the very last second as he’s about to touch the
fourth. Electroshock proves how evil he is by going after Lokillo but the valet
pulls him away to safety. Inverted crucifix slam off the top by Electroshock
who touches 3 corners but is then distracted by los Maníacos, who he knocks off
the apron without much trouble. He turns back to Heavy Metal and begins
punching him in the corner until he is cut off by Heavy’s valet and Lokillo. He
slaps her HARD and then knocks Lokillo down for good measure. Heavy fights back
and low blows Electroshock while Tropicasas attends to Heavy’s fallen comrades and
he touches all four corners with the aid of the foul to win the match. Los
Mamíacos climb back into the ring afterwards and yell at Heavy Metal and tell
him to accept their handshake, which he backs away from and they go back to
attacking Electroshock. Gladiador hits him with a lungblower off the second
rope as they take Heavy’s valet out on a stretcher (it was quite the slap).
This was just like every Heavy Metal vs. Electroshock match that came before
it, in case you couldn’t tell.
A recap of the Bizarros/Sociedad feud airs. After that, we
see Cibernético walking backstage. He opens a door, looks in, and we hear heavy
breathing. He walks in and closes the door. Okay.
3. Silver King, Último Gladiador, El Zorro vs. Billy el Malo, Taboo, Charly Manson
Los Bizarros come out second and sprint towards the ring to
begin the match with all six men brawling. Zorro stomps Charly in one corner as
Billy and Taboo get beaten down on the other side, and the Sociedad team clears
the ring. 3 on 1 on Charly now and Gladiador holds him as Zorro stomps him in
the gut, then they whop him into the ropes and King hits a dropkick to his
knees, followed by a standing moonsault by Gladiador with a little help from
Silver King. Charly rolls outside and they go to work on Taboo now, with los
Maníacos taking him down with a double drop tope hold and then rolling through
and each man dropkicking him down. Zorro then lifts him for a backdrop and
dumps him over the ropes as they turn to Billy. They work on Billy in the
corner and then whip him into the other side where Silver King comes off the
top with a missile dropkick. They continue beating on Billy then whip him into
the corner again. Running big boot by Gladiador, followed by one by Zorro who
then whips him out into Gladiador, who flips him over into another missile
dropkick by Silver King. The Sociedad team is in control but the Man in the
Iron Mask who has been stalking Zorro appears again, on the ramp this time, and
distracts them long enough for los Bizarros to take control from behind. They
clear the ring and focus on Zorro who is in the middle surrounded by him as
they go to commercial.
Back from commercial and Zorro and Charly face off with each
team on the apron. Zorro tags out to King avoiding Charly and he comes in
yelling at Charly, then sticks out his hand for a handshake only to have
Gladiador knock down Charly from behind. Zorro comes in now to work on the
fallen Charly and twists his boot across his face. Whip into the ropes and
double team clothesline attempt but Charly ducks out. Zorro attempts an
enziguri but Charly ducks and he takes out Silver. Gladiador charges and he and
Charly struggle to do something before Zorro charges with a big boot that
Charly ducks sending Zorro into Último. Zorro tries to escape like a chicken
but Charly grabs him by the hair and pulls him back in, only to get nailed by
Silver King with a dropkick to the back of the head. Silver holds him and
Gladiador goes for a dropkick but Charly ducks again and he nails Silver King,
then Charly hits a tope suicida onto Silver King. Inside Billy takes down
Gladiador with a headscissors and hits an even better tope of his own sending
Gladiador tumbling into the crowd. Zorro runs at Taboo in the corner but Taboo
ducks and Zorro crashes, then Taboo takes him down with a clothesline. Taboo up
top for a cannonball senton but Zorro moves. Kendo stick shot by Zorro to Taboo
then he turns to Charly who ducks away. Masked man appears again on the ramp
and this time Zorro has had enough and chases after him, leaving his teammates
with the disadvantage. Billy gets
Gladidor up and hits the Gori Bomb for a three count and the win. Jennifer and
Billy yell at each other afterwards but Zorro returns to even the odds with his
kendo stick before anything happens. Good match, I like what they did with
Charly and Zorro here to continue their feud and Billy el Malo looked
impressive. Zorro plays a great cowardly rudo when he needs to.
Mesías is backstage and stops La Parka as he is walking past
him. He tells La Parka he wants to make sure that they are working together and
he wants to go after whoever attacked him. Parka tells him that he’s already
chosen his side and he wants to go after Cibernético, and that he’s wondering
why Mesías hasn’t come out with the side he’s taking yet. Mesías tells him to
not worry about that, and all that matters is that they are working together.
4. Damián 666, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Halloween, Lizmark Jr. vs. Monster Clown, Psycho Clown, Murder Clown, Dr. Wagner Jr.
Lizmark Jr. is the mystery partner for the Perros. Match
starts with all eight men brawling of course. Perros have chairs and start
beating down the Clowns and Wagner with them for a while. Double hiptoss by
Halloween and Damián to Psycho Clown onto two unfolded chairs, wow. More
brawling and the ring clears until they have Murder Clown down on the outside
covered in chairs and Halloween does a head-first slide into a splash. Stereo
dropkicks by Lizmark and Damián sends the Clowns outside and then they each hit
a tope suicida. Perro and Wagner square off now, and Perro takes him down with
a back elbow then sets up a table in the corner. Perro sends Wagner into the
opposite corner and charges in but Wagner moves away then pulls him back in as
he tries to escape and backdrops him through the table. Murder Clown holds
Damián as Monster slaps him with a belt across the back. Wagner and Perro brawl
outside on one side as Lizmark and Psycho brawl on the other. Cut, and Damián
kneels in the center of the ring as all four técnicos dropkick him from each
side. Commercial break.
Return from commercial with Lizmark fighting back against
the Clowns. He whips Wagner into the corner but is reversed and Wagner gives
him a spinebuster. The other Clowns hold his legs apart while Psycho comes off
the top with a headbutt. They turn to Halloween now, beating him down against
the ropes then taking turns chopping him in the chest. Murder Clown comes off
the ropes and leapfrogs onto Halloween who is splayed against the ropes,
crushing him. They back Perro into the corner now with stomps then Wagner
snapmares him out. Monster Clown holds him in a wheelbarrow position and Murder
Clown gives him a legdrop and they all pose as the fans chant for Psycho. Poke
to the eyes by Damián has Psycho reeling and he sends him into the corner.
Damián charges but Psycho back drops him to the apron, hits him, and then nails
him with a lungblower through the ropes. Halloween in now, he ducks a heel kick
from Psycho and nails him with a spear, bringing in Monster, who sidesteps
another spear sending Halloween into the post, and follows it up with a
neckbreaker. He goes for the cover but Lizmark Jr. breaks it up. Lizmark gets
sent off the ropes and Monster waits for the back drop but Lizmark kicks him in
the chest, sends him off the ropes again and hits a spinning powerslam and
covers but the pin is broken up by Murder Clown. Murder is in now, he
impressively gorilla presses the 6’2” Lizmark and slams him hard. Murder hits
the ropes and goes for an elbow drop but Lizmark moves. Murder sent off the
ropes again but he kicks Lizmark in the chest and sends him out with a
clothesline over the ropes. Perro rushes at Murder but gets clotheslined down
hard and sells it like he ran full speed into a brick wall. He hits the ropes
again, slides through Murder’s legs, and dropkicks his knees to take him down,
then quickly hits him with another dropkick to the head and bounces off the
ropes for a third but Wagner jumps in and Perro stops dead in his tracks when
he sees him and stares like he’s seen a ghost. Awesome reaction. Sunset flip by
Wagner for a one count, Perro jumps up, kicks him in the back of the leg and
goes for la casita but Wagner rolls him up for another one count from the
slow-counting Tirantes Jr. Wagner protests by kicking Tirantes hard in the back
of the leg sending him down. Bodyslam by Wagner, he heads up top, diving
headbutt but Perro moves and rolls him up for a fast two count and Wagner
stares him down. Perro off the ropes with a dropkick to Wagner’s chin, then a
second that sends him through the ropes and landing straight on his back on the
outside in a pretty brutal manner. Perro runs for a dive but the Clowns cut him
off and they have a staredown. Psycho and Monster fight Halloween and Lizmark
now with chops and send them both out with stereo dropkicks then hit a tope
suicida on each of them. Murder Clown and Damián now, Clown backdrops him
outside into the group of luchadores then climbs up top for the big man plancha
suicida and everybody crashes. Damián and Wagner now, they run the ropes,
Damián slides through his legs and hits a clothesline and a legdrop for a two
count. Damián pulls him up top then nails him with La Ultramana, then climbs up
top for a moonsault that Wagner slides away from. Wagner is up, Michinoku
Driver on Damián and the cover for a three count. Enjoyable match, the Psycho
Clowns are always entertaining, Wagner is great, and Perro worked well as a
rudo foil to all of them. Perros attack with chairs after the bell and Perro
steals Wagner’s mask, followed by the rest of them stealing the Clowns’ masks. Commercial
Return from break with the Perros still celebrating in the
ring with the masks of their opponents, who actually beat them, though you
wouldn’t know by the aftermath.
Konnan meets with Zorro backstage. Konnan says he needs
Zorro to tell him what’s going on. He tells him he doesn’t care about Charly
Manson but that he can’t be helping La Parka and Nicho while abandoning Los
Maníacos. He has to be more intelligent than this, Konnan says. Zorro says he
doesn’t understand what’s going on, Konnan tells him that Charly is just
playing mind games with him. He says the Masked Zorro is just the Zorro of the
past and that Masked Zorro no longer exists. He needs to be on Sociedad’s side
against AAA. Zorro tells him that everything will be explained.
5. El Mesías, La Parka, Joe Lider vs. Cibernético, Escoria, Nygma
La Parka is the last to enter and Cibernético jumps him on
the outside as the rest brawl in the ring. Cibernético drags Parka right through the ring
girls posing for the camera on the stage who run in terror as he slams Parka’s
head against the stage. Everyone in the ring now, and Cibernético has two
chairs in his hands which can mean nothing good. He lays one against Parka’s
ankle and slams it with the other while Escoria dropkicks a chair into Lider’s
face in the opposite corner. Escoria drags Parka to the center and lays Mesías
on top of him, and Cibernético spears Lider in the chest with a chair which did
not look comfortable. They pull Mesías off of Parka, maybe realizing how dumb
that looked, and then pile a bunch of chairs onto Parka for Cibernético to nail
with a chair of his own about eight times. Lider gets shot off the ropes into a
fireman’s carry slam by Cibernético and a top rope legdrop by Escoria. La Parka
rolls back into the ring now, and he gets sent into the corner for three
consecutive elbows from each Bizarro. Mesías jumps back in now and gets sent of
the ropes but slams Escoria down hard by his dreadlocks and hits Nygma with a
clothesline. He turns to Cibernético but is quickly taken down from behind by Escoria.
Cibernético lifts Parka now and holds him in the corner screaming in his face.
Escoria goes at him in the corner but Parka moves and he crashes and burns.
Nygma runs into a quebradora con giro and he holds it in place for a top rope
legdrop by Lider as Mesías gives Escoria a spinebuster. Mesías sends Escoria
off the ropes and nails him with a chair and he falls outside. Parka invites
Cibernético into the ring. Commercial break.
Nygma and Mesías cross the ropes and Mesías gets dropkicked
in the knees. Mesías off the ropes, slides through Nygma’s legs and hits a
backstabber. Escoria in and he stands off with Mesías then just dropkicks him.
Chops in the corner by Escoria, he sends Mesías to the other. Escoria charges
in but Mesías springboards over him only to get elbowed in the face by Escoria
then kicked in the chest. Escoria hits the ropes right into a Mesías powerslam
for a two count that could be three but Mesías stands up as Cibernético jumps
in to break it up. They square off and talk trash for a few moments, then each
man hits the ropes and goes for a shoulder block and neither man budges. Same
thing again and neither man moves, then Mesías goes for a third but Cibernético
waits and clotheslines him. Cibernético sends Mesías into the corner and charges
but Mesías lifts the boot into his face and hits a bulldog and Cibernético
bails. Lider in with Nygma who sends him into the corner but gets hit with a
boot. He should’ve learned his lesson from the last set of spots. Lider hits a
hammerlock style backstabber and I’ve officially seen enough of that move for
one show, although I will say at least he found a different way to do it. Leg
kick by Escoria sends Lider down. Escoria lifts him and pokes him in the eye
then chops him in the chest and mugs to the crowd. Little things like poking
the técnico in the eye while he’s lifting him off the mat make Escoria great.
He then talks trash to Mesías who slaps him in the face. Mesías is not as
amused by Escoria. Lider hits Escoria with another onef of his hammerlock
backstabbers that the announcer calls a sidebreaker. Whatever you call it, it
looks awful. La Parka tags in and faces off with Escoria who isn’t happy about
the crowd chanting Parka’s name and shakes his head furiously. He hits the
ropes and gets flapjacked by Parka and rolls out. Cibernético in now, he and
Parka trade chops until he clotheslines Parka down. Parka retaliates with one
of his own sending Cibernético down and Nygma jumps in to distract him so
Cibernético nails Parka with a chair to the face out of nowhere. Mesías jumps
in and yells at Cibernético then nails him with a dropkick to send him outside
and a springboard plancha. Escoria runs in and dropkicks Lider and sends him
into the corner but Lider reverses it and then picks up the chair and throws it
at his head. They go to the apron and Lider picks up Escoria and hits a death
valley driver to the floor in a crazy looking spot. Nygma with a missile
dropkick to Parka for a two count. He sends Parka to the corner and rushes in
but Parka boots him down. Parka lifts up Nygma, hits him with the rock bottom,
and covers him for the three count. Good main event match, probably the best
match on the show although there was not a ton of competition. The Mesías/ Cibernético
spots were interesting and it continued the La Parka/Cibernético feud well by
not giving away too much of them but still teasing it as the big feud, with
Cibernético basically taking his cheap shots and never facing off with Parka on
a level playing field.
After the match los Bizarros jump the ring and go after La
Parka but Zorro shows up for the save only to have the rest of the Sociedad,
including Konnan, pull him back from making the save as the show goes off the
air with highlights.
Overview: Although the fourth and fifth matches were
definitely entertaining this was a pretty thin show, but that is easy to
understand given that the next one is Rey de Reyes.
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